Drunken USS Nimitz Lands in Chennai

“This fear is due to problems associated with imaginary things,” said Dr Sreenivasan. He also pointed out that countries build nuclear powered ships because of the advances made by them in the field of nuclear science.and later
"If you are concerned about this nuclear powered ship, what about the major atomic power plants at Kalpakkam?” asked Mr Maloy Krishna Dhar, former director, Intelligence Bureau. He termed the controversy as paranoia on the part of the environmentalists, and anti- nuclear and anti-US lobbies. “Don’t dub me a US agent as I have my own views on the USA. But this controversy is an attempt to hog media limelight,” he said.But that isn't all the city should be worried about. What about the 4000 sailors who are coming to port for shore leave? Talk about dropping a nuclear bomb on the city. On July 1 the city will be inundated with thousands of drunken teenage military men who haven't been to shore for months. They are going to be flooding the city's TASMAC shops and trying to score women in brothels on their two or three days of land time.
I know this because they are e-mailing me about it. Last night I got this message from a sailor we will call "Sam".
Hey I just happened to see your website and I thought what the heck I will email you. I need some important information that is near and dear to our hearths…”beer”. You see we are on the USS Nimitz and will be arriving soon. I would like to get a little head start by looking where to buy some beer. I would rather buy beer and take it to our hotel vice paying for the higher cost of ordering through room service. Can you help me locate some liquor stores or a decent place in Chennai to buy cheep beer? Respectfully and Thank you in advance for all your efforts, SamChennai does have a decent nightlife these days. But my guess is that while the USS Nimitz is in port the sailors are going to run the town. Watch out for a guy in bright white chaps and a funny hat vomiting at your local TASMAC.
Labels: USS Nimitz
lol drunken sailors are more dangerous than nuclear Bombs ;)
I'm sure that if it looked like the Nimitz was on the verge of exploding or was going to actually bomb chennai then that would have been at the forefront of my post. I probably wouldn't even have mentioned the sailors. But since there is no danger (nuclear or conventional) the sailors get the limelight.
Hiya Scott,
God Bless America and drunk people.
I hope the sailors fulfill their time-honoured tradition of getting smashed and hitting on local talent.
You personally could probably do a good trade selling Kingfisher at high prices outside the port.
Cheers mate
You could have at least provided a list of the 'social clubs' and addresses of a few chosen haunts where they can mingle with kazhaga kanmanigal in starched whites.
You seems to had your hands-on at TASMAC. :-)
First of all people. My name is C. Merrell. I was on the USS Nimitz when this happend. You want the truth? Ok... when we pulled in we had been to sea for around 60 days. Do you know what that does to you? We were out so long we had what's called a "beer day"
They fly in beer and we had a party on the flight deck. I was a Yeoman so it was my job to hand out the tickets for the beer. Every person got two beers. Since I handed out the beer tickets I had like 8. And I had a great time. In India the people hated us. The first night out I was forced to stay out because the people running our liberty boats quit. One sank and almost killed some people. The hotels quit renting us rooms. We couldn't get taxis or service anywhere. People treated us like shit and I got ran over by a three wheeled car. A "tug tug"
The second night was so bad my shipmates and I were forced to sleep on the pier in dirt; crappy chairs, and outside in the cold because we couldn't get back to the ship. Before anyone else wants to call us drunks you should go f**k yoursel because the stress of deployment is incredible. I was 20 years old and working 16 hour days 7 days a week for six months and making less than a fry cook. The average person worked 12 hour days. And that's with no days off. After having to deal with that crap and then finally hitting port and getting turnef away..... how would you react? What would you do? Twiddle your thumbs and say "oh well all in a day?" I'm sure all you people who read this have an average IQ of a douche bag and fall in love with your pigs. Next time you want to judge someone and call them drunks go find your mother.
Oh... have a good day!
YNSN Merrell
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