Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chennai Bus Drivers have a License to Kill

In an article in the Hindu that appeared in yesterday's paper titled "Cracking down on the killer busses", P. Oppili cites a statistic from the Metropolitan Transport Corporation that says last year alone over 100 people died because of rash and negligent driving of MTC drivers. Read that statistic a few times and you realize that every week some two innocent people are run down by a bus driver, While Oppili states that some changes in bus maintenance could cut down the mortality rate, no amount of tracking gizmos or brake checking is going to change that fact that drivers are negligent, possibly drunk, and too poorly trained to be on the road on a bicycle, let alone a 10 ton bus.

The article states that the MTC has 6,400 drivers on its payroll, which means that every year 1 in 64 of them are responsible for a road fatality. To put it another way, in an average career of 20 years, drivers have a one in three chance of killing someone.

But the MTC says that rash driving simply will not be tolerated--and they have a penalty system for drivers who cause accidents. That is, if you call sending a driver to a driving school for two days for a non-fatal accident, and for a week for a fatal accident a penalty system. After killing a person the driver has to forgo his year's pay increment (a couple rupees a week) and has to take a refresher course. I presume the course states something like drivers should not be complete idiots all the time. Only on a second offense are drivers terminated.

I don't know about you, but I am a little uncomfortable knowing that when I get on the road and have to fight my way past a steeply swerving bus that if the driver kills me he gets what would amount to a slap on the wrist. Call me crazy, but I think that drivers have to be held accountable for road fatalities.

Bus drivers should not only be held accountable for the times when they kill someone, but should be taken to task even smaller violations as well. Whenever they run red lights, move with an obviously overloaded bus, stop in the middle of the road, or drive drunk they should fear that they could lose their job--or perhaps even face jail time. There is simply too much tolerance for bad driving here and the MTC is patently irresponsible for not holding their drivers up to sane standards.

For another post on traffic in Chennai see "Tuning into Chennai Traffic"

(Photo taken by K. Pichumani from The Hindu)


At August 16, 2006 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, yes, I was wondering when you were going to get around to this.

Now is the time to introduce you to the term "Pallavan Kollavan" in Tamil. The pedesterian gallows humour at work.

Kollavan -Killer

At August 16, 2006 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it scary to cross the roads in Chennai let alone drive.

At August 16, 2006 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is with the 'unionization' of the drivers. If a driver is punished severely (say for man slaughter), the other drivers may go on a strike. Also, the fellow caste men of the driver can create problems for the political parties and the Govt. So, Govt. steers clear of any significant punishments. Unfortunate indeed!

At August 16, 2006 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. After spending 5 years (1991-1995) driving (mostly on a Bullet) in the city then known as Madras (or Chennaipatnam among Tamil purists), my biggest fear was not the Pallavan Kollavan TC, but rather the Metrowater tankers coming from Avadi. So far as I could tell, they had no fear of sanctions from the PTB at all -- on the other hand I have seen a tanker full of water burned to scrap metal by irate Madrassis after it hit (and thoroughly squished) a child walking home from school....
Do the police still paint a stick figure and "IPC 304" at the site of each fatal accident (ca. 2004)? It may be a bit of gallows humor, but I often thought that the general design would make for a great t-shirt.

I think I'll take the car to Poonaswamy's this time...

At January 18, 2008 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Been in Chennai (Madras) since
2006 ? Stop thiking like you still in the USA.

You dont know or understand INDIA
And have no clue to how ppl here in Chennai really are . I bet you trust everyone too .

Learn INDIA before making any more comments


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