Friday, May 30, 2008

Two Years in One Space

For the last two years we have lived in our apartment in Kilpauk enjoying the near-constant sweet sounds of a busy intersection and occasional power cuts. When we first moved in we recorded a video of the place while my mother in law was visiting from the United States. Uploaded to YouTube, that video has been inexplicably popular fetching more than 20,000 views. By contrast, this entire website just passed 200,000 visitors this week. So, as a special treat, Padma and I thought we would update the video and show what two years has done to the place. We've weathered a small fire, a rent increase, and some modest redecorating in the time.

First up: What it looked like in 2006:

Today's Apartment:

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Finalist for the Livingston Award in International Reporting

A couple days ago learned that I have been selected as a finalist for the Livingston Award in International Reporting for my piece in WIRED titled "The Bone Factory: India's Underground Trade in Human Remains."[link] Every year 50 young journalists are selected as finalists by a star committee of veteran media players. The wikipedia entry on the competition says that "the Livingston Awards are among the most competitive and prestigious reporting prizes in American journalism."

My name on the list of finalists is wedged between two reporters for the New York Times and shares space with some of the best up and coming journalists in America. So, I know it's cliché, but it's an honor just to be nominated. The winner gets a $10,000 cash award, and a trip to New York to mingle with the panel of judges. The awards will be announced on June 6th.


Also, just in case you missed it. I had another story on NPR a few weeks ago, but didn't end up posting about it on this blog. It is about a new transgender talk show host here in Chennai who is stirring up the community with provocative questions about sex and marriage. Check it out here: "Transgender Talk Show Host Tackles Taboos in India."

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