Ode to the Indian Half-Toilet

But having multiple types of toilet designs led to a lot of confusion in India. Often apartments have two bathrooms -- one with each type of toilet -- so that guests more comfortable with one over the other wouldn't be inconvenienced.
And then some brilliant bathroom engineer came up with a solution to the

In all my travels through this great continent I have never met a single person who prefers this design. It sits an uncomfortable twelve inches off the ground--too low to sit on, and way too high to squat on. And while negotiating the bowl shape -- because crap falls differently if you are squatting or sitting -- they found a happy medium that invariably has to be cleaned after every use.
Yet somehow despite the fact they no one actually wants to use the darn half-toilet they have bred steadily across the country. A full half of the apartments I have seen here in Chennai are equipped with the deal-breaking appliance and no land lord is willing to contemplate swapping them out for a more practical design.
Well here's to the Oriya Pan, the half-squat, half-sit contraption that is sure to make hundreds of millions of people groan with misery until one day a populist government finally bans the device and soars into a brief span of unrivaled popularity.
One of the funniest pieces Ive read recently.
Even I used to stand and wonder about how to use this half-toilet! Well, then thanks for letting me known that it is also called Oriya Pan..
More seriously, I've seen that old people prefer to use the western ones mainly to heed to their weak legs, which gives to the fact that they are more comfortable..
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