Foetal Bones in Ratlam Probably Not Foetal

Newspaper and TV reports around India are reporting that 400 bones found in a pit behind a hospital in Ratlam are probably the remains of aborted fetuses. Yet the photos of the bones seem to indicate that the bones that were recovered came from children or full-grown adults--further clouding the mystery. Is this a case of infanticide, murder, or just clumsy disposal of human remains. Take a look at the bones that the man in the red shirt is holding. I'm not a forensic anthropologist, but it looks like the big one in the middle either came from the world's largest fetus, or is an adult tibia.
RATLAM, Feb. 17 (UPI) -- Local authorities following a tip have found bones and skeletal remains of newborn babies and fetuses at a hospital in the Indian city of Ratlam. Experts identified up to four fetuses among the remains found Saturday at Christian Hospital in Ratlam, prompting discussions of possible abortions taking place, the Press Trust of India said. "The thickness of skulls and bones indicates that the remains were of around three to four neonates or fetuses," district Vaccination Officer RG Kaushal said.

And look at these photos. The bones in the picture look pretty well formed, not the mostly-cartilidge stuff that infants are made out of for a a few months before their bodies begin to harden. Either the on-site anthropologist forgot forensics 101, or he didn't actually take any time to look at the remains.
Labels: crime, infanticide
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