Saturday, February 17, 2007

Can Chennai go Wireless?

When Oxford Bookstore in Nungabakkam opened its doors a couple months ago I popped in an set my laptop down on a small plastic table in the cafe to test for wireless. And for a little while the router pumped out a steady 256k unencrypted signal enabling me to work from somewhere other than my home office. It was a great deal for them because I would buy occasional books from their store, dozens of coffees and lunches. It was bliss until the store manager clasped got the sick idea that he could eek a little more money out of me by signing on with Tata Indicom or Reliance to make me pay for wireless by the hour.

So I packed my bags and now alternate my time between the only two free wireless bastions that I know of in the city: Amethyst in Gopalapuram and Anokhi on Chamiers. These two family run establishments are the cream of the crop here in Chennai, and not only have great gardens and to relax in, I have written some of my best pieces while watching roving troupes of Mongeese (Mongooses?) trot by.

The most successful cafes in the United States offer wireless as a free perk. They bank on the fact that people will come there, and order a lot of coffee while taking care of their computing. As far as a business expense goes, all a cafe has to spend is 4000 rupees on a wireless router and another 1000 rupees a month for the broadband service. They make that money back on my patronage alone.

So why is is that Barrista, Coffee World, Cafe Coffee Day and Oxford Bookstore haven't yet figured out that making wireless free means they are going to get more business?

Bloggers in Chennai could make a huge difference on the quality of free-wifi in the city by calling up these cafes and asking them to consider dropping the corporate enabled services and biting the bullet to provide a free service to their customers.



At February 17, 2007 7:59 PM, Blogger शक्ती said...

just stumbled on your blog and it's always refreshing to read about one's hometown - i've lived away from it for years - through someone else's eyes...
will definitely be a regular.

~keep writing.

At February 18, 2007 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in US. Here none of the coffee shops offer free wireless. Starbucks has tied up with T mobile.v You have to pay to use. The only place where it is free is Panera Bread. Even in airports you have o pay here. There are very few coffee shops here where you can get free, even in seattle.

At February 18, 2007 9:10 PM, Blogger Scott Carney said...


That is a problem with a few of the chains in the States, but I have always found that small coffee shops around the country have free wireless. In Madison, WI I know of at least four shops that offer it for free. I was just in NYC and Seattle and definitely found free points there as well.

This seems to be a country by country thing because in Malaysia all of the starbucks have free wireless.

It really doesn't make sense that we should have to pay for wireless everywhere we go. I already pay at home, why would I need an AirTel, Reliance and T-mobile account to be able to surf for free around the city?

At February 23, 2007 11:20 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

well, u are right about only the smaller cafes offering free wireless. one reason cafes dont offer it in india is b'cos it will be misused for sure. i'm pretty sure there will be 'customers' who order the cheapest item on the menu, start a 1GB+ download and completely kill the connection!!

At February 23, 2007 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Subway restaurants in Chennai are also Wi-Fi enabled.Its free too.

At April 13, 2007 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At October 23, 2007 8:44 PM, Blogger Isabel said...

I've spent many hot, lazy afternoons at Amethyst with a good book. Now that I know they have free wifi, I'll be taking my laptop instead!

At January 02, 2009 4:50 PM, Blogger Isabel said...

The wifi connections at Amethyst and Eco Cafe are no longer free - they are now charging. Please let me know if you know of any other places offering free wifi - I need to get some work done while in Chennai!


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