A few days ago an Internet troll posted a short comment on my other blog Bodyhack that caught my attention, but not because he made a thought provoking and intelligent point. The author of the comment, Brian, hosted a website called BombIslam.com that compared the world population of Muslims as an aberrant strain of HIV that could only be cured with TNT and hydrogen bombs. Brian had been posting comments all over the Internet trying to drive traffic to his site, and was surprisingly good at garnering traffic. The site had been registered only a few months ago and according to his site meter he had over 20,000 hits.
I deleted his comment, but not before I checked out the website.
What I found was a long list of videos showing cartoon Arabs in compromised positions with animals, videos of the sites authors shooting Korans with rifles and Brian wearing a ninja outfit and posing with his gun. Interspersed throughout were long diatribes about what all muslims should be killed.
Here's a snippet of their hate speech:
Islam's army of madmen rode out of the deserts of Arabia. They raped/conquered and enslaved the minds of all the people in the area and to this day more than a billion people have been infected with the mental disease we know as Islam. I urge my fellow Americans to boycott all Muslim businesses and write your congressmen to stop the billions of dollars in foreign aid to Muslim countries, stop all future Muslim immigration, and BAN ISLAM.
And then there was this passage.According to the demon worshippers, "Allah" is the one true God. Now Allah is pretty much Satan, but Muslims have been convinced that he is God. The pedophile and mass murderer known as Muhammed(may pig shit cover him) was a completely delusional psychopath
Needless to say, I didn't really like these guys. I thought about writing them a little message saying that they were idiots, but I figured that engaging these folks in open debate would be pointless. I decided that I could spread a little good will as one of the vast majority of world's sane American by doing what I could to shut down their website.
I logged their URL into the WhoIs database with the intention of finding out who registered the site. Not to my surprise, whoever Brian is, he didn't want to leave his contact details. I did, however, discover that they were located somewhere in Arizona and they were using a service provider called
Tucows to host their web space.
I found a feedback form at Tucows and sent a short message stating that they were hosting a website that was clearly proffering hate speech and was not in compliance with federal guidelines that require website owners to register valid contact information. I suggested that they shut the site down.
It was a shot in the dark, and not likely to work. While free speech is still the rule in America, Internet hosting companies have the ability to decide what sorts of content they want to put online. I was hoping that the good people at Tucows were somewhat liberal in their viewpoint and would see BombIslam.com for what it was.
Later that afternoon I received this simple e-mail response:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting the StartLogic Abuse Team.
We have addressed the issue.
Kind Regards,
StartLogic Abuse Team
I killed BombIslam.com
If for scholarly purposes you are interested in what BombIslam used to look like, there is still a
Google cache of the site still up. The videos however went down with their server. If you want to send a short message to Brian at BombIslam.com expressing your condolences, or just want to say hi his e-mail address is
And so the story of BombIslam.com comes to an end. Their URL is no longer active, and a little piece of internet hate speech has been wiped clean.
Labels: activism, bombislam, Hate, Islam