Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Take a Picture, Catch a Quack

P_clinic_full_1Quack doctors come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing that they all seem to have in common is their penchant advertising. As part of my ongoing open source investigation I have begun to photograph different posters, billboards, and office spaces that seem like they might be offering medical services that just don't pass muster. In the case of the cyclopian child, the hospital report I saw stated that the mother sought treatment at a fertility clinic which prescribed her an unknown drug (which may have been cyclopamine). Whatever the case, an expert on medical ethics and editor of the Monthly Index of Medical Specilaties (MIMS), Dr. Gulhati told me several months that these roadside clinics are likely to be gateways for questionable clinical research. I would like to collect and publish as many photos as possible of quack advertising of improbable medical procedures, back alley sex change operations, miracle cures and all other sorts of medical promises that sane people shouldn't touch with a ten foot poll. Please send photos of posters, clinic fronts, or any other questionable medical establishment from anywhere in the world and in any language to Include a translation if you can. So get out your mobile phones and digital cameras and start snapping pictures to end quackery.

For those of you in Chennai, one poster that I was looking for, but couldn't find today, Vadapalani (sp) that I saw two months back. It said "Got HIV, No problem" that I think would be great to photograph.

The three photos here, one of a "modern clinical lab and ECG" is little more than a garrage with someone dispensing medical advice. The other two posters, one looks like a poster for viagra, and the other is for a fertility clinic that offers a dozen different services.

(I am not sure what the poster on the bottom left says, I would appreciate a translation from anyone who can read tamil)




At October 18, 2006 10:02 PM, Blogger Villain said...

well the poster on the left is kinda menaingless

it says this...

author: G rajmohan , Rs.10, october
health and beauty
why the indigestion??

sex(secret tips)

why do women avoid sex

is it necessary

chicken gunia medicine
the philosophical/psychiatric(i cant really translate manoshakthi) help to success

At October 18, 2006 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The poster in question seems to be advertising for a magazine titled "Health and Beauty" (the second line from the top is literally the words "Health & Beauty" in tamil)

So line by line...

line 1: Cant read the left side of the first line, but the cost is in the white circle (Rs. 10), followed by the month "October" (literal english written in tamil here again)

line 2: The title of the magazine "Health & Beauty"

line 3: "What causes indigestion"

Caption above picture on right: "Tips for a better sex life"

caption below picture on right: "Is ??? necessary" (not sure of that word).

Caption below picture on left: "Why do women avoid sex", the line below that reads "Dont fail to read it" (the magazine is implied).

line above bottom line: "Medicine for Chikun Gunya" referring to this ( making the rounds I believe.

bottom line: "Mental strength that help accomplish victory/success"

At October 26, 2006 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to read some interesting posts on your blog today. The bottom right poster is about a sex therapy clinic which specialises in male disorders and haemarrhoids... no connection, i think. The therapist, i can bet, has nothing to do with medicine.


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