Leave it to the worlds' most audacious animal handler to be killed by one of the world's least dangerous animals while filming an underwater documentary.
Steve Irwin, best known as for his hit series
Crocodile Hunter, died yesterday after a stingray placed a poisoned barb close too his heart. For the most part the worst a stingray can do is leave a painful dart in someone's foot that can be painful, but not life threatening.
But if you have ever seen Irwin's show "Crocodile Hunter" then you

would know that he gets pretty close to the animals he is filming and probably was in the middle of picking up the creature and asking it to smile for the camera. In that position the tail of the ray would have been next to his heart. It's sad because he was one of Austrailia's leading environmentalists. At the same time, I don't think anyone is surprised that a man who happily takes his one-month-old infant within a few feet of a twelve foot crocodile eventually got killed by a wild animal.
In the next few months get ready for a
Warren Herzog documentary where he watches footage from the fatal attack and decides that it would be too painful for us viewers to see.
The stingray is a fish, not a "wild animal".
it's wild and it's an animal.....
and scientifically speaking there are no such thing as fishes
I wish you wouldnt be so sarcastic in your post...How many of us would have actually watched or learnt a tiny bit atleast about the world of crocodiles and pythons..had it not been for this wonderful man....
well...he holding his own baby near a crocodile - I am sure he loves his kid more than any of us do - so i dont think anybody has a right to comment on that.
Of course we have a right to comment on him holding his infant next to a wild carnivorous crocodile. I am always amazed at the culture of "who are we to judge?" that has slowly spread across the globe. I surely understand that each of us lives our own lives and has to make our own decisions based on our experiences, etc, but there are just some decisions which are BAD ones, like the aforementioned one.
Just because he loved his kids doesn't mean he should have walked into a croc pit with them. In fact, he should not have.
Only the daring and eccentric leave there footprints behind for others to follow.....me and my daughter would miss this guy.Luved watching his programs.
Joydeep Saha
Can anybody tell me when we post a comment a word verification needs to be carried out ( end of the comment page).What is its purpose? I am not much of a computer savvy guy!!!
Joydeep Saha
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