Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Danger Ahead

Within hours of when the last bullet was fired in Mumbai Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi began positioning himself for his own attack on the sitting government. His request for a review of internal security is likely a continuation of his campaign to crack the whip on domestic Muslims. In 2007 Tehelka reported that Modi had inside knowledge of the planning of the Gujarat riots where an estimated 2000 people--mostly muslims--lost their lives. His visa to the United States was denied in both 2003 and 2008 on allegations of genocide.

Modi and the rest of the Hindu right--from Bal Thakery's Shiv Sena to the RSS cadres --will use the assault on Mumbai to shore up support for their parties and direct communal fervor against millions of innocent Muslims in India. Even if the sequel to the Gujarat riots does not happen, we will likely see the passage of a POTA like law (India's stronger version of the Patriot Act) and an internal and arbitrary crackdown on suspected terrorists.

And this, of course, is exactly sort of result that the elements in the ISI that most likely planned the attacks would have wanted. I have already written on how these attacks play into the ISI's strategic advantage. In the last eight years India's economy has boomed and it's military position has strengthened, putting Pakistan's own position in South Asia much weaker. The assault on Mumbai was planned and executed by trained professionals, not random rural jihadis who just picked up their first machine gun.

However, if the Hindu-right takes the bait, they could easily spin the events of the last three days into something far more sinister. By passing laws that crack down on innocent populations in the name of combating terror and possibly drumming up support for violent pogroms, there is a chance that India could end up cannibalizing itself.

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At November 30, 2008 3:13 AM, Blogger Kai Hendry said...

Trained professionals? People who kill indiscriminately to their death? Shocking as it may sound, some people are brought up knowing how to shoot a weapon without a formal education. As for "planning", a 12 year old Counterstrike player probably would have loved to offer some input here.

The irony is, from what little I've gathered, it seems that they wanted to point out Muslim discrimination in India.

These attacks IMO were carried out by frustrated alienated fanatic fools. It'll probably be a self feeding blood frenzy until someone is brave enough to make sure religious discrimination is tackled.

At November 30, 2008 3:21 AM, Blogger Nabil said...

Your analysis is right on, despite what Kai (above) has said. I hope India will take a lesson from the United States, and realize that laws to crackdown on supposed terrorists will do more harm than good. If we have learned anything from the last seven years with the assault on Islam by the United States, it is that we have to win the hearts and minds of the ordinary citizens. And as Deepak Chopra recently said on Larry King Live!, attacks that result in civilian death by the government, will result in moderates become extremists. I hope for India's sake, that the Hindu right doesn't take the bait.

At November 30, 2008 3:25 AM, Blogger Kai Hendry said...

@nka I agree with you. :-)

At November 30, 2008 3:35 AM, Blogger Nabil said...

@Kai: Don't you think it is more likely that these terrorists are trying to cause instability in India just as similar methods have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Northwestern Pakistan?

I don't believe these were isolated attacks. And while Mr. Carney's claim that the ISI was most likely involved (in his previous article), he has not provided sufficient evidence to back up his theory. Scott, I would like to see some of the evidence that you are referring to.

As I previously stated, I hope they don't fall for the trap, but the carrot of political domination is dangling and I don't think the Hindu right will be able to resist.

Case in point, the terrorists will win once again, just as they have done in the United States and the rest of the world. The whole world is now less stable than we were prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks. What has this "war on terror" accomplished?

The terrorists have already won. We all now live in terror and the war waged by the West on Islam has and will only exacerbate the situation further.

At November 30, 2008 3:51 AM, Blogger Kai Hendry said...

@nka I don't believe in this ISI conspiracy stuff. Or Al-Qaeda connections etc. etc.

Isolation? Well if you call world events like 9/11, war in Iraq/Afghanistan/Israel and "Muslim crackdowns" isolation, then yes. :-)

Cheer up! The war is not lost. I don't live in fear. Fight this war with compassion and respect.

At November 30, 2008 3:56 AM, Blogger Nabil said...

@Kai: The problem is that I don't believe this is a war that can be won by military means. I believe it to be a war of conscious and as such, the war will not be one by missile attacks, but rather by a change in Western foreign policy. Why do we want to alienate 25% of the world population by attacking Islam? It is not Muslims we are fighting, by terrorists disguised as Muslims. And with the death of every innocent, comes the birth of a new terrorist.

I am living in fear of this.

At November 30, 2008 4:11 AM, Blogger Kai Hendry said...

@nka I think we are in violent agreement. ;)

At November 30, 2008 5:23 PM, Blogger Scott Carney said...

"Top government sources described the evidence as "clinching". "It is so convincing that Pakistan can refuse to take action against Lashkar only at the cost of the admission that it has lost control over its territory, or the confirmation of the charge that it connives with terrorists operating from its soil," they said. "

Source: Times of India

In addition to this unnamed top government source:

1) A sat phone was found connecting the terrorists directly to top LeT militants

2) ISI was independently shown by the CIA to be behind the Indian Embassy bombings in Kabul a few months ago.

3) ISI is known to have strong linkages with LeT. There is no question that if LeT was involved so was ISI. This doesn't mean, however, that India can't work with the Pakistani leadership to solve this problem diplomatically and eschew all out war.

At November 30, 2008 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not trust a Indian HINDU, he is the silent quite trouble maker. All yogis were liers and elephants and monkeys can go eat sh....t.

At November 30, 2008 11:06 PM, Blogger Nabil said...

Thanks Scott for the follow up.


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